Thanks to a dear friend of mine, Ayussa who dragged me to NI.KI.CIO mixte vol. 06 private showcase at The Goods Dept just last night, i am now officialy falling in love with those pieces

I remember posting a fashion show of NI.KI.CIO's mixte vol. 05 last year as the first "fashion issue" on my blog here (you can also witness how funny i looked like back then, just don't laugh in front of me. teehee)
06 is the new episode of NI.KI.CIO and i'm sure people will love it as much as i do
I really enjoyed the presentation from Nina, explaining about each look and sharing some stories of where she came up with that idea, how to actually play with those clothes and some funny nicknames of her creations
I could really picture myself wearing NI.KI.CIO Mixte Vol. 06, i kept telling my friends and everyone i met last night "it's so me, it's so me!!!!"
Not only because of the black silhouette  (i've cheated on black for quite some times even black still has my biggest love), but those layers and drapperies are just simply irresistable
I took many pictures but stupid me, mostly they're blurry
If you're not impressed with what you see in the picture, do blame my camera and my photography skill!!!

  I also met H-S, Reevo Saulus and the duo Lisa and Kirana, yet like i told you, blurry pictures :( (so sorry girls)
Hope to meet them again and take a better picture to post!
 So, as probably you've known that NI.KI.CIO comes quite pricey actually, so if you really want these stuffs, you better start saving!

Until the next jabbering box ! ! !
~Ario Achda~

9 comment:

Arnold Teja said...

I love their new collection! Too bad I can't come.

Reevo Saulus said...

Hahaha Ario ! It's such a dilemma to photograph you and the girls. Kalo pake flash, muka kalian hilang. Kalo gak pake flash, malah blur. -__-"

Alexandra said...

very inspirational looks!!

Fred said...

Wonderful post! I absolutely adore the collection.
It's simple, understated. I mostly love how versatile her line is. Definitely gonna visit Blackmarket soon to grab that draped cocoon top!

stylefrontier said...

love love the collection. lovely cutting and i'm a big fan of black colours.


Unknown said...

nina nikicio. one brilliant designer. kece kece! ;) just like you!

xx said...

this is really cool !

Alviana Kalin said...

pleasure to follow ur blog kok Ario :)) and thx for following back! :* I love the collection of Nikicio.


Lisa and Kirana said...

blur ya kak? aku belum sempet post hehehe entar kalo mau diambil aja fotonya ;)