La Douche Vita, a local brand by Asti Surya is about to launch their latest collection's first showcase

Being well-known as a brand whose designs combine the casual wear with an extra edgy twist, this time, they left the shred phenomenon and come with a "creepy" kinda beauty sheer pieces

Part 3: The Mistycal shows a range of versatility and bravery in its concept, still unisex *for those men who have guts*, i see it as a totally fresh way to define feminism

Please check out the The Mistycal video to preview the collections
It starts with a lovely Javanese traditional chanting that sort of exposes the horror side and then changed into a super nice laid-back jazzy tune entitled "Misty" by Ella Fitzgerald 
I fell for the song since the very first watch, and i bet you will too!


Until the next jabbering box ! ! !
~Ario Achda~

6 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow,videonya keren banget! Ada feeling mistisnya, tapi juga ada feel lovelynya. And, kaos skeletonnya keren banget. hehehehe

Herdiana Surachman said...

iyaya horror2 suzanna gitu,,hehe tp lebih modern dong, bagus tuh yg yang motif garis-garis, dan skrng lagi pada pake yang menerawang2 ya... pake ah ntar LOL

Lisa and Kirana said...

hehehe sama sama kak Ario! thanks for your lovely comment too :DD itu yang didalem botol yang hijau itu gula kak, kalo yang 2 lagi itu cuma hiasan hiasannya aja :)and also love the video!!! yeah, i agree that that Javanese song shows the horror side.


I love Asti's collection too! Full of inspirations :D
p.s. suksesss for the event yaaa! semogaa hitsss!hehe

Gilbert Ganda said...

Love the campaign video!
such a local talent!


Unknown said...

@ sari: agree! kontras bgt ya antara mistis dan cantiknya! tp nyatu!

@ H-S: iya sama!!! yg stripes sheer itu gw jg suka bgt ! ada yg item juga di...ayo nanti tengok waktu BSM! haha

@ Lisa and Kirana: ur very welcome girls! :) aku jg aga takut denger bagian jawanya, hehehe >.<

@ Oline: canggih ya! yg dulu jaman shredded tee jg aku suka bgttt. btw thanks u ya liiiiine!!!

@ gilbert: indeed it is!!! bangga ya banyak desainer lokal yg kece2 >.< hahaha